How To Display Taxonomy Images In WordPress Without Plugins

taxonomy images in WordPress

Custom Taxonomies Images In WordPress enable you to structure large amounts of content in a logical, well-organized manner.

In WordPress, categories are organized as a hierarchical taxonomy, while tags are set up as a multifaceted taxonomy.

In this post, we will dig deeper into taxonomy images in WordPress and much more related to it.

What Are Taxonomy Images In WordPress?

Using the taxonomy images in WordPress, you can add featured images or thumbnails to the terms in each taxonomy.

You can also display them at the front end with the category name and their thumbnail.

How To Add Taxonomy Images in WordPress Without Using The Plugin?

  • Add an image field as the first step.
  • As part of the next step, save the image field.
  • Include an image field in the Edit Form.
  • Make changes to the image field.
  • A media library is required to complete the step
  • Insert an image into a column.
  • The seventh step is to display an appearance on the front end.

What Is A Category image?

Category A contains three types of images: penetrative sexual images, which are generally regarded as “very severe.”

Crimes involving indecent images are widely regarded as among the most serious.

How To Add A Category Image To WordPress Instead Of Using a Plugin?

Please use the following code to demonstrate your custom post type’s Tags and Category: add/to_cpt() * register_taxonomy_for_object_type (‘category’, ‘custom_post_type’); register_taxinfo.

Add Custom Field Taxonomy Images In WordPress

  • The Advanced Custom Fields plugin must first be installed and activated.
  • The Advanced custom field is a field builder that allows users to easily add fields to WordPress post types and taxonomies with a few clicks.
  • After activating the plugin, navigate to the Custom Fields menu and click the Add New button.
  • Add the title, fields, and conditions for the field group on the next page.
  • Assign a title and a field label. The field label is used to generate the field name. Then Choose the Image option for the field type. This option acts as a file upload, allowing you to use a WordPress media uploader.
  • On the same page, scroll down and select Image Array as the Return Format.
  • For the Rules, it is necessary to add a condition that will apply to the current field group under the Location. In our case, I chose Taxonomy as a synonym for Category.
  • When you’re finished with the above settings, save them.
  • If we go to the category edit page, we will see the image upload field.
  • The user can directly upload an image for a category.

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Custom Taxonomy Images In WordPress

In WordPress, you can add a featured image to a Category Taxonomy by using ACF and choosing the category taxonomy so that a new image field would appear on the category backend page; the same process applies to other taxonomy templates such as custom taxonomies.

Creating a Taxonomy Image Field in ACF

  • Make a new customized image field.
  • Assign the field to the appropriate taxonomic group. Other taxonomies are present in this case as well.
  • You can now upload images directly from the category page.

Display the image on the category page.

Now you must modify the image output template, which can be very specific to the Category or more generic.

Display Category Images on Single and Archive Pages

You can then use an iterator loop on the categories to output the image only if at least one post is linked to that Category on a single post or blog archive page.

Start an iterator loop to go through the categories using terms with a taxonomy value set to types and concealing empty categories if not used.

The custom field name and category ID are set in the ACF image field.

The post is checked to see if it would seem in each category iteration, and if so, the image is output.

Using A Custom Taxonomy

If you’re using a custom taxonomy, you can use the has_term function to see if it’s being used by the post in the loop.

Taxonomy Examples

WordPress provides four built-in taxonomies straight away.

  • Categories (Hierarchal)
  • Tags (Multifaceted)
  • Links (Multifaceted)
  • Navigation Menu (Hierarchal)


We hope you now better understand how to organize WordPress content using taxonomies.

A well-implemented taxonomy, whether hierarchical or multifaceted, will simplify how content is organized and displayed on a website. 

WordPress includes all the tools you’ll need to create custom taxonomies and organize your content in novel ways. You can use them based on your preferences and conditions.

We will be back with other fantastic information regarding how to add taxonomy images in WordPress and much more related to it.

Please stay tuned till then! Also, feel free to contact us and let us know your response to our excellent post; we look forward to hearing from you all.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What are the taxonomies in WordPress?

A taxonomy is used in WordPress to group posts and custom post types.

The term ‘taxonomy’ is derived from the biological classification method known as ‘Linnaean taxonomy.’

WordPress comes with two taxonomies by default: categories and tags.

What is the distinction between a category and a taxonomy images in WordPress?

A Taxonomy is a broad term for any method of grouping posts.

A Category and Tags are two methods of grouping posts that are included by default in WordPress.

These are the Taxonomies that come with WordPress by default.

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